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5 Ways To Stay Fit Without Entering A Gym

5 Ways To Stay Fit Without Entering A Gym

January 1, 2025

Let’s face it, the gym environment (despite the diversity of options for gyms that are present in most places) is not for everyone, either due to personal preference of atmosphere, lack of self-confidence, or possibly simply logistical issues such as…

How Poor Sleep Impacts Your Hormones

How Poor Sleep Impacts Your Hormones

October 8, 2021

Our hormones play a very big part on our overall health. Hormonal health and regulation can significantly improve and balance our emotional health and maintain a positive mood and headspace (via Grassroots Healthcare). Many people assume that hormone balance has to…

tone your butt

Best Moves To Tone Your Butt

January 12, 2021

Some women hit the genetic lottery and have booty for days without having to lift a finger. Others need to hit the gym and sweat for it. Whether you’re the former or the latter, you can always sculpt a little…

acupressure mat

Stimulate blood flow with Acupressure Mat

December 18, 2020

Even the most intense health gurus look at them in fear — acupressure mat can appear pretty intense. With sharp plastic points sticking out all over the front side, acupressure mats may look like instrument of torture to the untrained…

What makes the plank so special?

What makes the plank so special?

October 24, 2020

There’s a fair few reasons why the plank is so popular. Some people even consider it their favourite exercise. It’s good to understand why the plank is so important before you start working on the how of doing a good…

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