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normal veins

Why do veins in our legs go bad?

Veins return the used blood back to the heart. When the venous blood gets to the heart, it gets pumped through the lungs so carbon dioxide can be released and oxygen can be picked up.

So why do veins go bad?

normal veins
In a normal vein, the valves will open to allow the blood to flow up and close to prevent blood from going backward toward the foot.


Whenever our feet are lower than our heart, gravity is pulling our blood away from the heart and down toward the center of the earth. We don’t want the blood in our veins to go backward.

So what prevents the blood from going backward?

In a vein with a damaged valve, the valves cannot close completely or properly. Because of this problem, blood moves backwards through the valve and down the vein. This is called venous reflux, or venous insufficiency, CVI (chronic venous insufficiency). This leads to venous hypertension and this abnormal pressure can cause the veins to dilated and become varicosed.


When blood tries to flow backward, one-way check-valves located in our leg veins prevent the backward flow of blood. This check valve action also prevents the build-up of venous pressure.

When these valves fail, blood can flow back down the leg and venous pressure will increase.

This causes the superficial veins to become distended and form varicose veins.

This condition goes by several terms: venous reflux, venous insufficiency, venous hypertension, and CVI (chronic venous insufficiency).

Frequently overlooked sources of venous insufficiency are the perforator veins. These veins have check valves to prevent blood from refluxing from the deep system to the superficial system. When these valves fail, a patient can signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency even when the other three saphenous veins are normal. And, of course, a patient can suffer from any various combination of refluxing veins.

The network of veins in the lower leg is extensive, so the process of venous return is a bit more complex. Fortunately, by wearing Elysyle Kodenshi Contouring Pants regularly, your blood circulation will improve tremendously, hence resulting in a healthy body.

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